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open sentence是什么意思
发布时间:2021-03-11 作者: 英语查
open sentence 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | 【数学】开句〔包含着一个或一个以上未知量的数学方程式〕。
| | | open: adj. 1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to ... | | sentence: n. 1. 【法律】宣判;判决。 2.判刑。 3.【语法 ... | |
In mathematics, an open sentence (usually an equation or equality) is described as "open" in the sense that its truth value is meaningless until its variables are replaced with specific numbers, at which point the truth value can usually be determined (and hence the sentences are no longer regarded as "open"). These possible replacement values are assumed to range over a subset of either the real or complex numbers, depending on the equation or inequality under consideration (in applications, real numbers are usually associated also with measurement units). |
例句与用法 | 1. | Pay particular attention to the opening sentence 要特别注意写好开头一句话。
| | 2. | Write five opening sentences which could be used in letters to friends or relations 写出5句给朋友或亲属的信的开头语。
| | 3. | The opening sentence of charles dickens a tale of two cities aptly describes the state of the hong kong film industry 香港电影业现时面对的情况,正是最有利的时刻,也是最恶劣的时刻。
| | 4. | The opening sentence of charles dickens a tale of two cities aptly describes the state of the hong kong film industry 香港电影业现时面对的情况,正是最有利的时刻,也是最恶劣的时刻。
| | 5. | When we had lunch with him there were probably 6 others sitting around the table and he turned to us and he said , " lenin told mekk . " how about that for an opening sentence to get your attention 我跟他一起进午餐,当时还有六个人同席,他对我们说:列宁告诉我,这一句开场白能得到你注意吗?
| | 6. | In the very opening sentence of anna karenina , tolstoy declares : “ all happy families are happy in the same way : but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion 托尔斯泰的名著安娜卡列尼娜开宗明义就说:所有的快乐家庭,都以相同的方式快乐的过日子,但每一个不快乐的家庭,都以它自己的方式不快乐的过日子。
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